
Fancy Lashes and Beyond, LLC Company Policy Handbook August 2, 2021, Initial Release

The purpose of this Policy Handbook is to set out key Company Policies that apply to all hourly and salaried personnel. Each employee is required to sign an acknowledgement that they have read, understand and will fully comply with all Polices contained within this document.

Internal Policies:
1. Use of Photography and Permissions:

All photos and images used to promote our company must be taken by a bonified employee of the company or be licensed photos purchased by the owners of the firm. No photos or images from other sources may be used for promotional purposes. Examples of “other sources” shall include photos and images from the internet, from previous / former employers, and those taken without prior client permission.

Before taking any photos, the Employee must obtain written permission from the client on FLB Form 001, Authorization to Take and Use Photographs / Video and Waiver and Release of Claims to document the client’s permission for us to take and use the photo for promotional purposes. Each FLB Form 001 shall be forwarded to the Company for filing in the master permissions file with a copy provided to the client for their records.

Employees must remove from their mobile devices and / or cameras any and all images taken during their employment with Fancy Lashes and Beyond, LLC. Further, when requested each employee shall certify, by signing an affidavit, that she / he has removed all images from his or her mobile devices, cameras, digital storage media, and social media / web-based platforms and have destroyed all hard copies of such images. FLB Form 003, Image Removal and Destruction Certification is used to document the removal and destruction commitments and actions.

2. Non-Solicitation – Clients and Personnel:

It is our Policy to refrain from directly or indirectly soliciting customers and clients that our employees have been associated during their employment at other studios, spas and / or salons, or similar businesses. It is also our Policy to refrain from directly recruiting personnel from other studios, spas, and / or salons or similar businesses.
We acquire our employees and clients using traditional and non-traditional marketing and advertising, word-of-mouth referrals, and other methods that do not entail direct solicitation.

Non-Solicitation – Clients:

Employees shall not, while employed by Fancy Lashes and Beyond, LLC, directly or indirectly solicit customers or clients of their former employer(s). If a client of a former employer approaches Employee inquiring about Fancy Lashes and Beyond’s services they are to be immediately referred to the Company for to determine if the individual did, in fact, approach the Employee of their own accord and ask if they would be willing to sign a Non-Solicitation Declaration (FLB Form 002) before becoming a client of Fancy Lashes and Beyond, LLC.

Non-Solicitation – Personnel:

Employees shall not, while employed by Fancy Lashes and Beyond, LLC, directly or indirectly solicit employees of their former employer(s). If an employee of a former employer approaches Employee inquiring about Fancy Lashes and Beyond’s employment opportunities they are to be immediately referred to the Company so it can be determined if the individual did, in fact, approach the Employee of their own accord and ask if they would be willing to sign a Non-Solicitation Declaration (FLB Form 002) before becoming an employee of Fancy Lashes and Beyond, LLC.

Upon their hire with Fancy Lashes and Beyond, LLC, each employee shall sign their Employment Agreement which includes client and personnel Non-Solicitation Clauses.

Website and Client- / Public-Facing Policies:

1.Use of Photography and Permissions:
All photos and images used to promote our company shall be taken by a bonified employee of the Company and only with our clients’ written permission.
Before taking any photos, our Artists will obtain written permission from you. We use a simple form, “Authorization to Take and Use Photographs / Video and Waiver and Release of Claims” to document that you have given us permission to take and use your likeness for promotional purposes. We will provide you with a copy of the Waiver for your records.

2.Photography and Videography in The Salon:
We strive to protect the privacy of our clients and the integrity of our proprietary processes, therefore, photography and videography not taken by our employees is not permitted in the Salon.
3.Children and Visitors in The Salon:
Children under the age of _5_ are not permitted in the Salon. We try to maintain a tranquil and relaxing environment, so distractions must be kept to a minimum. Further, we cannot be responsible for overseeing children during your visit. Adult visitors are permitted, but no photography or videography is permitted by visitors.

4.Service Policy:

The Salon does not issue refunds on salon services. However, we strive to give the utmost satisfaction to our clients .We will offer a 24-hour warranty on all of our lash extensions. If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with your lashes, call us within 24 hours of your appointment. We must be notified within 24 hours of your appointment if there are any concerns with the service. After 24 hours, complimentary fix appointments are no longer available. Complimentary fix appointments must be completed within 3 days of the original date of your appointment.

5.Cancellation/Reschedule/NO SHOW Service Policy:
Please note that once you have booked an appointment with us it means that we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for you. Therefore, we have implemented a 24-hour Cancellation/Reschedule Policy to give us ample time to fill your appointment time in the event you need to cancel it. If you cancel/reschedule your appointment less than 24 hours before it is scheduled to take place, your deposit will be forfeited.

Cancelling within 4 hours of your appointment will be considered a no-show and those fees will apply. Failure to give 24-hour notice will result in 30% of the scheduled service fee. No-shows will be charged 70% of the scheduled service fee

To avoid the loss of your deposit, cancel fee, please provide cancellation notice at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. You may cancel or reschedule your appointment by calling Fancy Lashes and Beyond at 703 477 3784.

**Monthly Eyelash Extensions Membership Details*

 Two Refills per Month and a $10 Charge Fee per Additional Week. A Full Set Price Charge in 4 Weeks

  • 10% off all Retail Products.
  • Upgrade your service for a special discount, just pay the difference at the checkout!  
  • There is no fee to join our membership. Simply let us know when you are ready to sign up. Each month your membership will be paid in advance through a monthly draft to the credit card on account. Some reasons you would like to cancel your membership please let us know in two weeks’ notices.However it may carry over their credits for an additional 60 days following cancellation, and we are sure you will find the savings worth it!

 For more information, please contact us at 703 -477-3784 or ask about signing up at your next appointment.

6.Privacy Policy:
We understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of your information and seek to secure your privacy during your visit to our website. This privacy policy outlines the types of information you may provide to us, or we may collect from or about you when you visit this Site, and our practices for collection, use, and disclosure of this information. By using our website, you consent to the procedures and practices discussed in this policy, except to the extent certain applications are provided by a third party. For certain third-party applications framed or hosted on our website, your information is collected directly by that third party, and their privacy policy governs their collection and use of your information. We may, from time to time, change this privacy policy, and your continued use of the website after we make changes shall constitute your acceptance of those changes, so please check the Privacy Policy periodically for any changes or updates. The most recent version of this privacy policy is indicated by the version date located at the bottom of it. If you do not agree with any provisions of this Privacy Policy, you must not access or use our website. If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, then you may contact us at the e-mail address and/or telephone number provided on our website.
7.Key Terms:
Throughout this privacy policy, we use a few specialized terms. When we use the term “Personally Identifiable Information” (PII) in this privacy policy, we mean information that is specific to you as an individual, like your name, postal address, e-mail address, credit card information, and / or telephone number. The term “User Information” incorporates all your Personally Identifiable Information and any other forms of information discussed in this privacy policy. Information is said to be “anonymized” if it does not identify individual persons or entities or associate a particular person or entity with such information.

8.Our Information Collection, Use, and Disclosure Practices:
Except as set forth in this policy, we will not use, disclose, or transfer your User Information unless, subject to applicable contractual or legal restrictions (including those under HIPAA, as applicable) or required consents (1) you expressly authorize us to do so; (2) it is necessary to allow our service providers or agents to provide services for us, and, as applicable, they have agreed to maintain the same level of security and privacy of your information as we provide; (3) it is necessary in order to provide our products or services to you (and contact you when necessary); (4) we are sending you other information that may be useful to you; (5) it is disclosed to entities that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other entities with whom we have joint marketing agreements, and where, as applicable, such companies have agreed to maintain the requisite levels of privacy and security over certain types of information; (6) it is necessary to protect the confidentiality or security of your records; (7) it is necessary in connection with a sale of all or substantially all of our company assets or if we were to merge with or into another entity; (8) it is necessary in connection with other business purposes including, without limitation, customer care, dispute resolution, service quality assurance, business management and operation, risk assessment, security, fraud and crime prevention / detection / monitoring, research and analysis, marketing, and / or assessing customer purchasing preferences and trends; (9) it is necessary to comply with law enforcement, governmental mandate, or other legal requirement, if appropriate, for your protection or in connection with an investigation or prosecution of possible unlawful activity; (10) it is necessary for us to provide it to our attorneys, accountants, regulators, auditors or other advisors; or (11) it is otherwise required or permitted by law.
9.Information You Affirmatively Provide:
When you fill out a form on our website, sign up for communications from us, or ask us to contact you, we collect the information you provide and use it for the specified purpose for which you provided it, and potentially for other expected, related purposes. To the extent that we are required to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) and/or the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (the “HITECH Act”), any protected health information (“PHI”) you submit or provide to us directly will be treated in compliance with privacy and security standards set forth in HIPAA and/or the HITECH Act, or regulations thereunder, as applicable.
10.Social Media Platforms, Websites and User-Generated or Provided Content:
You agree that any information or content that you post, upload, provide, contribute, or submit for publication (each a “Submission”) to our Site or any social media application or channel (including our business or other branded pages contained on any social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter) or third-party website, including any images, review or rating content about our business or any contribution you make to any forum, message board or discussion group we may make available, is done at your own risk and without any expectation of privacy, and you acknowledge that such information may be seen by or shared with others. We cannot control the actions of other users of any social media platform or website, and we are therefore not responsible for any content or Submissions contained on such sites and platforms. By visiting any of our pages that are contained on a social media platform or website, you are representing and warranting to us that you have reviewed the applicable privacy policy and terms of use of such platform or website and that you will abide by all such provisions contained therein. Additionally, in the event that we offer a message board, review capability, or any other interactive or social-type feature or other feature permitting content submission on a website administered directly by us, please be aware that these areas may allow you to publicly post, and share with other users, certain messages, content, images or other information (e.g., stories, pictures, ingredients, tips, etc.). Although we may take certain precautions to protect those who use these areas of our website(s), we encourage you to be wary of giving out any Personally Identifiable Information in such public forums. Any information you post or submit can be collected and used by people you don’t know. We cannot guarantee the privacy and safety of these areas and are therefore not responsible for any information you choose to post. You agree not to post any content that violates the privacy rights of anyone else, or that is otherwise unlawful, offensive, obscene or vulgar, threatening, defamatory, hateful, promotes illegal activity or violates the rights of a third party, including without limitation copyright, trademark, or publicity rights. Your use of these features is fully at your own risk. In addition, any operational suggestions that you send us, such as your questions, feedback, ideas, or other creative material (“Feedback”) belongs to us and will not be treated as confidential. You acknowledge and agree that we may use, reproduce, adapt, distribute, display, disclose, or create derivative works from Feedback without acknowledgement or compensation to you.
11.Job Applicants:
Any Personally Identifiable Information you provide to us when applying for a career position with our company will be used solely to consider and act upon your application. We may retain your Personally Identifiable Information for a period of time, but only for as long as necessary for such purposes or as otherwise required by law. We may disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to our agents for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for the particular position you applied for, for other available positions or as otherwise required by law. We may also disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to third parties hired by us to collect, maintain, and analyze candidates for career positions or as otherwise required by law.
12.Contests, Sweepstakes and Other Promotions:
On our Site, we may offer, from time to time, certain contests, sweepstakes and other promotions, subject to applicable terms and conditions, and we use the information you provide to administer the contests, sweepstakes and other promotions. Through these promotions, you may choose to participate in activities such as sharing information found on our website with others and sending e-mail invitations. To the extent you provide us information about a third party, you represent that any third party about whom you provide us information has given you express consent to do so. Subject to applicable contractual or legal restrictions, we also may use the information you provide to communicate with you, or the other people about whom you provide information, about our products and services, or our partners or service providers may use such information to communicate with you about the contests, sweepstakes or other promotions or their products and services, and you consent to such use of any information you provide to us for this purpose.
13.Other Types of Information We May Collect:
In addition to information you affirmatively provide to us, when you visit our website to browse, we may collect, use, and store certain “Site Traffic Information” such as the type of operating system, computer modem, device ID and Internet browser you are using, the date and time you access our website, the number of times you visit our website, the particular pages you view, and the length of your visits to our website. We may use this Site Traffic Information to improve our website and user experience, and we may share this information with third parties if we choose to disclose anonymized Site Traffic Information for marketing or commercial purposes.
14.Web Analytics Tools, Cookies and Web Beacons:
We may use various website analytics tools and technologies regarding activities on our website that require storage of web session data. The overall aim of these tools is to aid in making our website easy to use, to proactively identify and correct error conditions and to provide more relevant advertising and content to you. These tools and technologies are also used to assist website visitors who report problems in the use of our website. Stored web session data is used in accordance with this privacy policy.
We may employ cookies (i.e., small text files) that our website may send to your browser for storage on your hard drive, and later processes may check for the presence of such cookies. We may use such cookies to make use of our website easier by saving your status and preferences upon visits to our website. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, but you may be able to change the settings in your browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. We may also employ cookies, web beacons, or site instrumentation, to monitor the behavior of visitors to our website and activity on our website, such as the number of visitors to our website.
Third-party service providers may also place and administer cookies and web beacons via our website or check for the presence of our cookies on your device. Such third parties may collect your anonymized information and perform website analytics as described in this privacy policy. We and / or such third parties may also use work product created by such third parties based upon web analytics data or other similar data collected from visitors to our website in connection with providing you with more relevant advertising and content.
15.Information from Third-Party Sources:
We may also collect information about you from third-party sources, including any information you make publicly available on Social Media platforms or other online or offline resources.
16.Third Party Websites and Applications:
You may have the option to enter or link to a third-party website or application through our website, or you may have the option to enter our website from another third-party website or application. Since we cannot be assured that such third-party websites follow our privacy policies, we encourage you to ask questions and review the privacy policies of these third parties. We have no responsibility or liability for the actions or policies of these independent sites, do not endorse any product or service that may be mentioned or offered in such sites, and are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such sites. Please contact such third parties directly for questions or concerns regarding their privacy practices. For any e-commerce or payment capabilities offered on or through our website, such payments are managed by a third-party service provider and any payment-related information is collected directly by such third-party service provider. Such provider’s terms of use and privacy policy govern their provision of this payment service and their collection and storage of any information you provide through their hosted payment application, portal, or widget.
17.Revising Your Information:
If you use our products, services, or website, then you have voluntarily consented to our practices and procedures regarding your information as described in this privacy policy, any applicable Terms and Conditions of Use for our website, and other written documentation that may be provided to you regarding our products, services, or website. If you do not want us to use your information as described herein, or if you would like to modify your information in our records or remove your information from our databases for marketing purposes, then please contact us at the address and / or phone number provided on our website. Without the use of your information, however, we may not be able to provide you the products, services, or information you request. We will promptly respond to your information revision requests but may retain copies of such information as necessary for us to comply with governmental orders, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, enforce any agreement you have entered into with us, and as otherwise reasonably necessary for our business purposes.
We employ and maintain technology and security measures designed to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information on our website, that information is subject to a variety of protections. However, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to or receive from us.
19.Promotional E-mails:
We may send you e-mails with promotional offers if you provide us with your email. If you would no longer like to receive e-mailed special event information, sales notifications or other messages from us, please send an e-mail to us or follow the “Unsubscribe” or “Opt Out” instructions that are included in each of our promotional and informational e-mails. Upon receipt of your unsubscribe request your e-mail address will be removed from our marketing and mailing lists. Please allow us a reasonable amount of time in order to satisfy your request, as some promotions may already be in process.
20.Children’s Privacy:
Our site is not intended for anyone under 13 years of age. We are sensitive to privacy issues and look to protect your child’s information. While our website is not intended for anyone under 13 years of age, we do aim to be fully compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We strongly encourage parents and guardians to regularly monitor and supervise their children’s online activities. We do not knowingly collect Personally Identifiable Information from children under 13 on our website without first obtaining verifiable consent from the child’s parent or legal guardian.
NOTICE: Visit https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0031-protecting-your-childs-privacy-online for information from the Federal Trade Commission about protecting children’s privacy online.
21.Your Virginia Privacy Rights:
On March 2, 2021, the Commonwealth of Virginia enacted the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA). The new law makes Virginia the second state in the United States to enact a comprehensive data privacy regime, following in the footsteps of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018.
As a small business, many of the requirements of the VCDPA do not apply to us, however, we understand and respect the need to protect private and personal information that is given to us. We strive to fully comply with the appropriate clauses of the VCDPA.
We treat the data of everyone who comes to our website in accordance with this privacy policy, whatever their “Do Not Track” setting.
This privacy policy was last updated August 2021. 

(703) 477 3784